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How Much I Miss My Pink Roses

Kesinambungan dari kesah cik yna amek gambor ros pastu ngupload beliau dalam blog..

Oh maii..that was a very sweet moment till make me lovely husband sent me a bouquet of roses and a very lovely card to read..

Oh flower was really beautiful. I received it on the counter and everyone was also shocked like me. That was the moment when i start dancing with my beautiful pink roses..

Oh maii..when i read the card which those sentences were inspired by my lovely husband, that was the time when i feel i'm the luckiest woman to have my husband right by my side..

Oh is a countless of how many time i fell in love with my husband again and again..

The moment when i felt really happy

My beautiful pink roses

Can't get my eyes from it

 I read it again and again

Gedik ke idok? Haha


  1. hek elh..untungla buleh bunga rose.jeles nak meninggal. tak gedik sebab itew laki u,hewhewhew

  2. linaku suh la cik tunang beli wat hand bouquet kawen kak yeni tu.cantik..hik2..hik2..hik2..



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